Recent Yoga Practices

Practice yoga for free with me on YouTube. We’ll flow together and learn to cultivate a gentle spirit by challenging ourselves and accepting where we are in the process. Check back weekly for the newest yoga videos. You can also meditate with me on InsightTimer, where we will use the breath as our guide to make our way into quiet stillness together.

Core Strength Flow

In this core strength yoga flow, we'll be focused on plank, side plank and boat pose to develop core strength. If you are new to side plank, a modified version is offered.

beginner chair yoga

This is a beginner, fully seated chair yoga practice for strength & mobility. Move at your own pace with your own breath. You are stronger than you think you are. I believe in you!

Guided Meditation

This meditation is focused on James 1:19-20. Anger is a natural reaction to injustice or being wronged. How we react when wronged can make or break us. Practice cultivating listening, patience and forgiveness, moving towards becoming a peacemaker when we feel wronged rather than reacting in anger.

Stretch & Meditate

This is a gentle stretch and meditation practice. This can be done upon waking, before bed or at any point during the day when you need to reset and calm the body and mind.

Sun salutations

In this short practice we move through a few rounds of Sun Salutation A followed by Sun Salutation B. Sun Salutations warm up the body and allow for cultivating strength, flexibility and balance. This can be considered a full practice if you are short on time.

strong fluid flow

This is a strong and fluid vinyasa yoga practice. We'll be moving within and between poses a bit more in this flow.

 Meditate with me

on InsightTimer